Welcome To RedEyeWare

Code Stuff

Message Board

IMPORTANT!! If you don't see any pictures on this page Click here: www.redeyeware.50megs.com/.

Projects: updated 06/17/03
My name is Richard Betson and I have started RedEyeWare as part of my hobbyist interest in programming. I have been programming off-and-on for about 20 years now. I started with the Timex Sincliar and TRS-80 way back in 1980.

I worked for Talon Technologies Inc (early 90's) which was an Atari ST software/hardware company. Then later started Rimik Enterprises Inc. This company developed and marketed products for the Atari ST and Amiga in the USA, Canada and Europe.

I have written code articles for Start Magazine and the GFA Basic Journal as well other magazine publishers.

My goal here is to take it easy and develop games, screen savers and whatever strikes me as a fun project to do. My latest passion is programming in Blitz Basic. It is the best I have found so far for game/demo programming. I highly recommend it!

How did I come up with the name RedEyeWare, well....It could be that I keep late hours. :) Some times I don't go to bed until 4:20.

If you would like to contribute to this page or have a suggestion feel free to contact me.


Since I started this page some new things have happened. I'm now a DEV Team member for Blitz Basic which is very cool. I have started to focus on a few project paths and I'm hopeful that soon some really interesting developments will be forth comming.

Until then I hope you enjoy the webpage :)

Richard Betson (Vidiot)

More Info Later...

BlitzAmped! Play Mp3's to Real-Time 2D/3D FX



Code Files 3D

Code Files 2D

Blitz+ Code Files


If you would like to contact me email me at vidiot@getgoin.net


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